R Banks & Son (Funerals) Ltd Mrs. Carina Halliwell Jones Dip F.D (Managing Director) · Jennifer Halliwell M.B.I.E

01942 222 156

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Legal Advice

Legal Advice

R Banks & Son (Funerals) Ltd have a bespoke legal service to provide trusted advice in relation to estate administration after the loss of your loved one.  We have brought on board a private legal practice McHale Baker who specialise in Estate Administration, Will Planning, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Long Term Care Advice and Court of Protection applications.

Handling a loved one’s affairs following a bereavement can feel overwhelming, and our legal specialists are here to provide you with advice and assistance on what to do following a death.

Providing a free consultation, our experts can offer you either an appointment in the comfort of your own home or in one of our branch offices, to provide guidance on the next steps

Estate administration assistance and advice

If you an Executor of the Will, or your loved one has passed away without having a Will in place, free consultation will provide you clear advice in a supportive and understanding manner in the following areas:

Using professional legal services

If you feel that you would like our assistance in dealing with the Estate Administration our legal specialists will ensure that you receive the best possible service throughout the process, always ensuring that your individual needs are thoughtfully considered and professionally dealt with.

An overview of the process

We appreciate that at this difficult time it is not always possible to concentrate on the intricate details that are required throughout an Estate administration period, and your dedicated point of contact will personally see to all aspects of the estate administration that you wish to pass on to them, keeping  you informed of progress throughout the process. This can consist of all or some of the following:

Other Services

Very often as a result of the death of a loved one, the family’s and other beneficiaries’ circumstances will have changed.  Your consultant will work with you to ensure that you have carefully considered your own situation and will offer you further help and advice on your options.

Wills and Succession Planning

Making a Will is probably one of the most important legal documents that you can make yet so many people do not have one. Dying without a will means that the law will govern who your estate will pass to.  In these circumstances, your spouse does not automatically inherit your estate and if you are not married your partner will not benefit at all.

To make sure that your wishes are carried out after your death and that your estate passes to your loved ones a will is essential. Our specialists have the expertise to advise you on all the issues that you need to consider, including inheritance tax, and can guide you through the process making it as simple for you as possible.

You may have been put off from doing a will because you think that your family structure is complicated. Our 10 years experience means that we have dealt with many family structures including second marriages, children from previous relationships & family members with children with special needs or health problems.

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney are documents which are used during your life. They allow you to appoint someone that you trust as your attorney to look after your affairs in the event that you are not able to do so yourself.

There are 2 types:

Lasting Power of Attorney – Property & Financial Affairs:

Lasting Power of Attorney – Health & Welfare:

This one allows your attorney or attorneys to look after your health & welfare.

They are able to decide where you live, provide consent to medical treatment and even make decisions on life sustaining treatment.

Enduring Power of Attorney:

Enduring Powers of Attorney executed prior to October 2007 are still valid.  They were replaced with the current Lasting Power of Attorney system. Should you have an Enduring Power of Attorney but are concerned about its validity we can advise you further.

Family Protection Trusts

Financial planning is nothing new for any of us, whether it be day to day balancing our income and expenditure or investing money with the view of achieving growth. In one way or another we all do it and we find that many of our clients in retirement age find that they have managed to do a good job of this either through their own determination or by using a financial adviser to help provide guidance and assistance.

As we reach our retirement years, very often our financial planning takes a new pathway and we start to consider more seriously how we can protect the capital, rather than concentrate purely on growth. The Family Protection Trust helps us to plan for our later years and to ensure that as much of our inheritance as possible passes onto our children.

The Family Protection Trust can assist in the following areas:

We are here for you 24 hours a day 365 days a year